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If you want to find budget accomodation, but still be close to the city centre, you might want to consider staying at a hostel or guesthouse in Riga.
According to the criteria of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia (LVRA), the general requirements for hostels are as follows:

» a self-catering kitchen
» the accommodation site must provide storage for the guests’ money, valuables and documents in a locker or a safe
» the accommodation must be able to receive and serve disabled guests
» in all accommodation, the entranceway and at least one room, shower and toilet must be adapted to the needs of wheelchair users

You can learn more about the classification of youth hostels in Latvia at the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia, which is the certifying authority of youth hostels in Latvia in compliance with EU, Nordic and Baltic classification standards. Some youth hostels are members of the Latvian Youth Hostel Association.

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